When starting your career as a personal trainer, marketing yourself and getting clients can seem intimidating, but there are some great marketing tips you can use to get you on your feet. These will allow you to build a marketing foundation and expand your personal trainer business after completing your diploma. You are gaining the knowledge and experience for personal training from your courses; now it is time to market yourself correctly as well.
If you want to learn how to market yourself as a personal trainer after earning your Health and Fitness diploma, continue reading!
Leverage Social Media
Social media is a great marketing tool without any initial start-up costs and can help you get discovered. Nearly everyone has a social media account, and as a personal trainer, you should too. Essential social media platforms where personal trainer content is popular include Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. These are interactive platforms which utilize lots of videos and photographic content.Â
Through social media, you can engage with clients, clarify things for them, and demonstrate the knowledge you have gained as a personal trainer. For example, respond to comments, or create and share how-to videos for clients and potential clients. This helps create thought leadership which is how you gain trust and encourage people to attend your classes. Don’t show or teach them everything you learned during your Fitness and Health training, however, but do show enough to draw them in and build trust with them. Remember: content created for social media can also be used for your website or blog, and vice versa.

Have a Great Website
A website is a wonderful marketing tool where you can include a lot of information for people searching for your services. On your website, highlight details about yourself, such as where you received your training, why you chose to become a personal trainer, what aspects of personal fitness you are most passionate about, and other factors people are likely to want to know about you. You may also offer a booking service for sessions or dietary/exercise guides on your website.
If you do take up blog writing, your website is the perfect platform to post the blogs you write and you can also include some positive testimonials from customers. Make the website a marketing piece that promotes you as a personal trainer and your business. Show your expertise in the industry and use it as a thought leadership platform.
Encourage Client Feedback
Approximately 88% of people worldwide read reviews about local businesses, which tells you the importance of getting reviews about your personal trainer business. When working with clients, ask them to post a review. Tell them to be honest, and if their review is negative or not entirely positive, consider their feedback and how you can improve for next time. Respond to their feedback, learn from what they said, and provide a solution or acknowledgement on the review. This will also help people see that you are interactive and are trying to improve.
Blog About Fitness and Health Training
Writing blogs is another great way to become a thought leader in the industry and build trust with current and prospective clients. The knowledge and practical experience you gain from your Fitness and Health courses will ensure that you are experienced and knowledgeable on many topics about personal health and fitness. Share some of the knowledge you have gained in the form of blog posts to help people searching for solutions to common challenges you can help with.

Focus on Building an Inclusive Community
Developing a community will be great for both business and marketing yourself as a personal trainer. Building a community will not be easy, though, and requires several of the previously discussed marketing tips to truly function. You should interact with everyone across your platforms whenever possible. Try to foster a sense of community and long-term relationships by making people feel valued by you as a personal trainer. Encourage people who are struggling, and work with people who are succeeding.Â
People will also begin to encourage one another in the community, and this sense of community is great for interacting with customers but also for marketing. While testimonials are great, and people trust them, word-of-mouth is also important. Word-of-mouth can spread quickly, especially between people of the same community. People speak, and if they feel valued and part of your personal trainer community, they are more likely to recommend your services.Â
Ready to earn your Fitness and Health diploma?Â
Contact Medix College to learn how you can get started.