Early childhood is a fundamental stage in a child’s development. During the early years of a child’s life, an estimated one million neural connections are formed every second. This intense and focused learning period is never repeated during our lifetime. That’s why Early Childhood Assistants (ECAs) and educators play such a key role in positively impacting the lives of children emotionally, intellectually, and socially.Â
If you’re considering Early Childhood Assistant training, read on to learn four ways you can make a positive impact on children during your career.
1. Make the Children You Work With Feel Safe
One of the key ways to make a positive impact during your ECA career is by ensuring that the children have a safe and healthy environment. Children are more likely to excel and mature in environments where they feel that they can grow. In the classroom, it is the role of the teacher and the ECA to establish that environment. This can be done by helping children when they need it, ensuring no bullying happens, and focusing on building relationships with the children.Â
During Early Childhood Assistant training, you will learn how best to interact with children, and you will pick up some ideas for establishing healthy relationships with them, ensuring that they feel safe at all times. For example, by practicing active listening, when children try to communicate with you, you will pick up on any troubles they may be having or things they may excel at. This will allow you to help with struggles and praise achievements effectively, motivating the children to consistently communicate openly.
2. Play Fun and Educational Games After Early Childhood Assistant Training
Fun and educational games enable children to learn and understand concepts they may struggle with. They are also a good way to encourage children to socialize with their peers, helping them build connections with others. There are several conceptual games you can play with a classroom of children, including ones that are social-focused, like duck-duck-goose, hide-and-seek, or musical chairs. Learning-focused games can include shape sorters, jigsaw puzzles, and sensory activities. During your Early Childhood Assistant courses, you will learn what role these games have when to use them, and how they can impact a child’s development. For example, duck-duck-goose can help children improve their social skills while teaching them to pay attention to rules and be fair to others. This can positively impact a child’s social and emotional development.

3. Lend a Helping Hand
While it’s important for children to develop their independence, it’s only natural that they will need help at some point since they cannot do certain things on their own. This is where the ECA will need to step in to help. Some things they might need help with include routine activities, such as dressing, eating, and going to the washroom, as well as academic activities.Â
As an ECA, it will be important to observe the children attentively, noticing when they need help with their routine activities or learning materials. Children may not ask for help themselves–this can be because they are shy or simply have a hard time communicating–so it will be important for you to step in an lend your helping hand when you feel it is needed.

4. Assisting The Educator When Needed
Assisting the educator as an Early Childhood Assistant will benefit not only the educator but the children as well. Educators have a lot on their plate, and as an ECA, you will be needed to assist them in planning, developing, and implementing activities. Doing this will help reduce the teacher’s workload and allow you to play an essential role in what the children are learning and doing in the classroom.
By assisting the educator, you’ll also get to spend more time with the children, becoming more involved in their development and ensuring a positive impact is made during this time.
Are you ready to earn your Early Childhood Assistant Diploma?
Contact Medix College to learn how you can get started.