Becoming a massage therapist is a great career option. You get to devote your time to helping people feel better, you don’t have to sit behind a desk all day, and you have the opportunity to interact with all different types of interesting people.
At first thought, you may think that working at a massage clinic or spa is the main career option for graduates of massage courses. However, there are actually plenty of exciting career opportunities available! One notable option is working in mobile massage care.
Does mobile massage care sound interesting to you? If so, keep reading to learn more about opening a mobile massage care business after healthcare school.
A Look at Working as a Mobile Massage Therapist After Massage Therapy Courses
Working as a mobile massage therapist involves going to your client’s preferred location to provide massage therapy instead of them coming to you. While mobile massage therapy can and often involves going to a client’s home, it’s much more far reaching than that. As a mobile massage therapist, you may work at corporate offices providing massages to employees, go to gyms or athletic centres, perform services at wellness retreats, provide massage to wedding parties, visit your clients at their workplaces, and more. You can expect to always be on the go and in a different location every day.

The Benefits of Starting a Mobile Care Career After Graduating from Massage Therapy Courses
There are many benefits to opting to work as a mobile massage therapist after graduating from massage therapy courses. The first is that you have variety built right into your schedule, so if you’re someone who wants no two workdays to be the same, being able to mix it up could be quite appealing and provide you with more work satisfaction. Working in mobile care also usually means that you have more control over your schedule, so you can fit your appointments around your life.
If you are deciding between opening your own massage practice or a mobile massage business, going mobile offers many cost savings. First and foremost, your overhead costs will be drastically reduced, because you won’t have to pay for an office space. You also won’t need to spend your hard earned profits paying for a landline, electricity, and other costs associated with having a physical clinic.
Should You Open a Mobile Massage Care Franchise or Start Your Very Own Business?
Once you decide you want to offer mobile services, you then need to decide how you’re going to open your business after healthcare school. There are two general options: opening a franchise of an existing business or starting out on your own.
While starting a franchise offers less freedom, it’s also less risky. Because you’re operating under the name of an established company, you’ll have the company’s reputation behind you, which is valuable when you’re first getting started. However, there will likely be more rules outlining how you can run your business, pricing, and the geographic area that you can provide services in.
The other option is to open your own business from scratch. If you don’t back down from a good challenge, this may be the ideal career option for you. You’ll get to design your business exactly how you want it, and you’ll be your own boss. While this option is a bit more risky, it could really pay off once you build your base of loyal clients, since no one will be taking a cut of your profits.
Want to learn more about what you can accomplish after graduating from massage therapy school in Ontario?
Contact Medix College today!